
Great Ideas For Your Unused Fireplace

Fireplace IdeasLet’s be honest, here in Texas, even in the winter, there usually isn’t much need to actually use a fireplace the way it was intended (especially when you can just turn on the heater for a spell). If you have a dreary, empty fireplace and aren’t sure what to do with it, check out this excellent article from Houzz, which provides a dozen cheerful and cheeky decorating ideas for that cavity in your living room.

Each idea in the article, from stacking your fireplace with back issues of magazine to filling it with happy Christmas lights, includes a gorgeous picture so you can get an idea of what it might look like. Some of the wackier ideas include bringing home something fun from the flea market or placing a big marquee letter in the fireplace. Of course, you can also keep it classic by putting in some lovely, demur candles.

Whatever you choose, now you know that your fireplace can make a statement and become a delightful focal point in your room. For more design ideas for your Dallas or Ft. Worth home, contact our design team at USI Design & Remodeling.